Thursday, September 24, 2009

As The Myth of Photographic Truth tells us in Practices of Looking- images can be altered digitally in such a way that we cannot really be sure if what we are seeing is reality, or an image distorted from one thing to look like another for the viewers entertainment. It is easy to look at a picture and never question its validity, but the lens can only capture so much, and you will never know what was actually going on in the instance that the image was taken unless you are there. For example- in the first picture, of the man dressed as a Bunny- you instantly get the impression (in the cropped image) that he just fell asleep- possibly in a halloween costume. But when you get the larger image- you see that is not quite the case. Even beyond the larger image- there could be more that we are not seeing- a room full of friends with mean senses of humor perhaps.
The image of the girl, when cropped, gives the viewer the idea that this is a social, fun girl just winking at the camera. Seeing this image youcould really make no assumptions about her, but in the complete image (uncropped), we see that this face could be influenced by some of the alcohol she is holding, or any of the alcohol that we assume she has consumed before the photo was taken. If the larger image was also cropped for example, we may pan out to see a table in front of her with 6 empty pitchers.
These axamples are just proof that images can be decieving and you can never be sure of exactly what you are looking at.

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